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Gypsy Fortune Telling Cards 1.2
Cintelic Inc
The Gypsy Fortune Telling Cards are afascinating divination tool with origins tracing back to the oldtraditional Russian gypsies. If you'd like something a bit exotic,accurate but easy to use, then give this a try. The cards are deepin meaning and easy to interpret despite their relative simplicity.Unlike traditional tarot cards, the Gypsy Fortune Telling Cardsare made up of squares. Each square has a part of one of 40 symbolson each of four sides. The cards need to be rotated to alignmatching symbols. The reading is then based on the "whole" symbolsthat get formed.The accuracy of the Gypsy Fortune Telling Cards is quite good. Areading can be done for absent persons as well. General readingsand specific readings can be done with the Gypsy Fortune TellingCards, depending on the question at hand. As with any divinationmethod, these cards are meant to be a guide and please keep in mindthat free will and God's intervention can alter any of the readingresults.
Project Viewer 6.1
Cintelic Inc
This is only a VIEWER. It does NOT Edit or Create files. - OpensMSProject attachments directly from your email - Opens Projectfilesdirectly from Dropbox - Gantt Chart view with scroll, zoom&collapse - Provides Table view and a Detailed Task view - Teamviewwith details - You can try it instantly with the includedSamplefile - Works with .mpp and .xml Microsoft Project formats -Has abuild-in file browser - Can also be used with your favoritefilebrowser – works with most of them